Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Food that has low calories are consider the best weight loss

Fruits which is listed as a low calorie food are consider the best weight loss food because fruits are considered to have low energy foods. Vegetable is another kinds of food that has low energy. Food that is low in fat an ideal to weight loss as fat contain more amount of energy in our body than protein and carbohydrates. Enjoy food that has high in fiber, low in fat and calories and low in sodium and sugar.

Exercises is another form of weight lost. Exercise shed our body energy out so to give us an ideal weight. Foods that are best for weight lost are taking more fruits and vegetable, Wholegrain foods such as oatmeal and wholemeal pasta. Oatmeal are consider as one of the best food for heart. Fresh fish and legumes. Enjoy more times food intake, have your stomach half full rather one heavy full meals.


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